Kingdom of Fife

Scottish Pub of the Year

Scottish Pub of the Year - What is it?

Scottish Pub of the Year is an annual competition run by the CAMRA Scotland Region to find the best pub within Scotland.

Scottish Pub of the Year Process

Once all of the local Scottish branches have run their local POTY competition and have announced their winner, these local winners are entered into a regional competition.

Each branch puts forward its local POTY winner (10 pubs in total) and a Judge to take part in the regional competition. Each pub is allocated an area, North Scotland, Central Scotland and South Scotland. Each judge must visit the pubs they have been allocated and complete a survey. Once the surveys have been submitted, the top pub from each area is then surveyed again. The winner of this is then crowned the Scottish POTY.

Scottish Pub of the Year

This year's SPOTY is the Hillend Tavern, Dalgety Bay. The other finalists were the Bandstand, Nairn and the Bull Inn, Paisley. A summary of the final scores can be found here: SPOTY 2024 Final Results.

Scottish Club of the Year

Pub of the Year Archive