Kingdom of Fife

Beer Scoring & Good Beer Guide Selection

Beer Scoring

Like many CAMRA branches we use the beer scores submitted by CAMRA members (both locals and visitors to our area) via WhatPub over the course of the year to help choose which pubs go in the Good Beer Guide, so every CAMRA member has the opportunity to contribute to GBG selection.

Why score

Good Beer Guide Selection Process

The Kingdom of Fife branch has a maximum of 21 entries available to allocate in the GBG each year.

Our selection process starts at our committee GBG selection meeting in January and the work continues through to the submission date in March.

All of the beer scores are downloaded and complied into a spreadsheet from WhatPub, Once the committee agree a standard benchmark score, each pub is then reviewed to establish its average beer score for the year (Jan 1st - Dec 31st).

From this, a shortlist of possible pubs are drawn up and the following criteria is used to whittle down the list to 21:

•Length the business has been open (a new business must be open for a minimum of a year)

•Does the pub meet the benchmark

•Has the pub changed its Manager/Owner/Licensee (new Manager/Owner/Licensee must be in place for a year)

•How many beer scores has the pub received (the more the better)

•Has the pub changed its dispense method (Cask to Keg)

Once Selected

Once selected, the Branch Committee must collate the information that goes into the GBG for each entry. Once complete, our entries are submitted to regional coordinators. Around April/May we get the proofs back for checking. At this time amendments can be made but we cannot change any entries - although we can delete. The final draft then goes to the Editor.

Following publication of the GBG, branches have the right to withdraw places which do not maintain the standards which gained them entry - if they change dispense, change owner-ship/tenant/manager, or if they close, or if they stop serving real ale.

So, remember to submit your beer scores....

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